Frank Cucolo, DC, CFMP

Frank Cucolo, DC, CFMP

Dr. Frank Cucolo is a practicing chiropractor and nutritional expert with 39+ years experience combining therapeutic nutrition with wholistic therapies. He is a co-founder of the Meridian Autonomic Testing Technique (M.A.T.). Dr. Cucolo brings a unique integration of his knowledge of whole food nutrition with specific reflexes to determine nutritional protocols. He is especially effective in connecting the emotional, biochemical, and structural faults as the root cause of the patients’ problems.  His combining of Whole Foods with Herbal Synergists has created a referral juggernaut. His powerful 1-2 punch quickly improves patient response and is most effective in today’s “toxic” environment.

Dr. Cucolo is a graduate of Los Angeles Chiropractic College and has continued his training through multiple post-graduate seminar techniques. He is certified in Functional Medicine, Transcendental Meditation, Contact Reflex Analysis and Acupuncture. He is well versed in Applied Kinesiology, Neuro-Emotional Technique, and Energy Work. He has multiple TV/radio appearances. His private practice is in Wolcott, CT and in his free time he enjoys exercise, golf, and time with his family.